Running your plan

Your Plan Website

Simple, secure administration

From census and contribution processing to custom reporting, the Ascensus plan website provides a simple experience for managing all your plan’s administrative tasks in one place.

Built for your needs

Our digital experiences are designed based on user feedback, data analytics, and competitive benchmarks to deliver the functionality that our clients want and need most.

Compliance testing in real time, anytime

We automatically generate and deliver your plan’s year-end test results to the plan website. For more frequent updates, you can run the test anytime using our online reporting tools.

Payroll Flexibility

We make it easy to manage your census and contribution processing whether you send submissions online or through a payroll services provider.

  • Tracking details for all employee contributions
  • Real-time validation of census and contributions to ensure data accuracy

Investment Experience

We believe your financial advisor is best suited to guide you in developing your investment strategy—our role is simply to help you implement it.

Our neutral, open-architecture platform lets you offer the investment selection that works best for your employees and choose the fiduciary services that best suit your business. Because we don’t generate revenue from investments, your lineup will have no impact on plan pricing.

Personalized investment advice for your employees

For more personalized professional investment selection, Ascensus offers access to managed account services that use an employee’s age, salary, savings, and more to create a personalized retirement goal for your employee. A managed account is an investment product in which funds are selected and packaged into a portfolio for the employee based on professional advice. Combining technological and financial expertise, the managed account service will build, implement, and manage an optimized investment portfolio based on the employee’s unique goal.

Ascensus is not affiliated with the managed account service provider. We’ve partnered with them and built the technology infrastructure to provide access to their services in a way that creates an easy experience—both for you and for your employees.

As soon as your plan is live on the Ascensus platform, participants will be able to easily navigate from your plan’s employee website to your managed account provider’s website. Using information already in our recordkeeping system, participants will receive a comprehensive ongoing strategy that is managed throughout their savings journey, from enrollment to retirement.

Fiduciary experience

To support you in managing or shifting risk, Ascensus offers access to investment professionals who can provide services to help you manage your liability as a plan fiduciary—and help you mitigate risk related to your investment lineup.

Fiduciary optionS

3(21) – Investment Fiduciary

  • Shares responsibilities with you for certain investment services (co-fiduciary)
  • Investment recommendations only; doesn't have any decision-making or discretionary authority

3(38) – Investment Manager

  • Full responsibility for investment services (discretionary fiduciary)
  • Includes the selection, monitoring, removal, and replacement of funds